Tuesday, April 11, 2017

enteric coated capsule

When I was conducting an experiment on enteric coated capsules, I posted the pictures of what I observed onto the site. I think the first thing people should know about the capsule is that the name "enteric" is really the Greek word for "intestine". Furthermore, the capsules are made with the purpose of moving the inside contents past the stomach and into the intestinal area.
I conducted the experiment on how long probiotic capsules could last in an acidic environment because I realized earlier when placed in those environments, probiotics cannot survive for a long time (in other words, stomach acid would be a death wish to all the probiotics consumed if not for the capsules that were protecting them).
The general ingredients used to create a enteric coated capsule include fatty acids, waxes, and etc. These are generally acid resistant and is ideally how the capsules are able to resist the stomach acid and reach the intestinal area.
When I observed these small "bubbles" when melting the capsule (for the experiment), I immediately thought of fatty acids because of the similarity it had with fats when floating in water.  


my precious hair root