Saturday, May 6, 2017

flower amaryllis' pistil and stamen


When I saw the flower for the first time, I was only able to notice its brightly colored pistil and petals. It interested me how the flower focused the color red primarily on top area for insects to be attracted to its large petals to help pollinate the flower. 
Now I think we all assume that pollen tends to be in a circular shape. However, this flower proves that assumption wrong. When I took a look at the anther (where the pollen is located), what I saw were pollen in an oval shape!!! The black objects in the picture above and the white ones below are the pollen in the flower!

I also knew there was a large amount of pollen for every flower but I was fascinated by how similar this looked like grain! The illuminator shining on the pollen caused the color to be white and look quite similar to rice!!