Before we begin, if you are terrified of bugs, then this might not be the most pretty thing you've seen ;)
Ant head part 40X
Now as you can see, in this post we will be talking about ants and how they are able to have functions such as climbing walls and picking up objects much heavier than they are.
Ant body part 40X
Ant leg 100X
To begin, we'll start by talking about how ants are able to climb up walls.
As you can see in this picture, the ant's legs have pads which are called arolia.
Now what arolia does is hook onto a wall or ceiling the ant wants to climb or if the place the ants wants to go is too smooth, the arolia can also be used like a suction cup - acting like a vacuum.
Ant arolia 400X
As you see here, the arolia is curved like a hook to help ants latch themselves onto walls or even the ceiling, thus almost seeming to defy the laws of gravity if seen through the naked eye.
Thus, I hope many of you realized spiders are not the only ones who are able to climb walls (sorry spiderman).
Ant head part 400X
Now, many of you may also have wondered: How do ants, who have almost no weight, carry objects with a much larger mass and weight?
Well believe it or not, it's BECAUSE their bodies so light that they are able to carry heavier objects.
Since their muscles don't give much support, they are able to apply their strength to lifting other objects unlike us who lifts heavier objects depending on our body mass.
*The difference here is because our muscles support our body mass. we can't use all our strength when lifting up other objects.
Ant body pattern 400X