Tuesday, November 10, 2015

So wool! So cool!

As we all know, wool is the textile fiber which is obtained mainly through sheep. 
The fibers are actually kept together by the scaling and crimp which helps the fleece be spun and attached.


Because we live in a much more comfortable world than before, we are able to purchase wool without thinking about how it was made and when we do, we assume it's a simple task. 
However, wool straight off a sheep is called "greasy wool" because it consists of dead skin, pesticides, and vegetable matter that needs to be cleaned.


There are grades for wool that are separated by Merinos (such as "ultra fine" or "strong")


Out of all the animal fibers, the wool is the most commonly used out of all of them!
The fibers really look like scaly cylinders under the microscope.
While there may only be a few in the pictures, there are actually millions of them in the wool!
So Wool!

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