Saturday, September 16, 2017

To. Nature's Way


To Whom It May Concern,

Hello! My name is Kyu Been Lee, a high school senior at Irvine High School. I want to start off by saying how thankful I am for your products. My dad had suffered Irritable Bowel Syndrome for about 20 years and wasn’t able to solve it despite various attempts. However, after trying Nature’s Way products Primadophilus Bifidus 5 and 90 billion, the syndrome had almost completely disappeared. For that, I wanted to just thank you for creating an amazing product for millions across the world.

            After witnessing the benefits my dad received from the capsules, I decided to try and experiment on the product for a science fair (The title of it was “Epidemiologic experiments of probiotics’ mechanism (direct antagonism) as stability”). I am fond of using the microscope and through research, I learned much about the probiotics’ function, even observing direct antagonism with black mold. I was also able to observe their vitality duration in body temperature.

            Though there are many positives for the product, I also have some concerns. It is true that my dad was able to recover quickly by consuming the 90 billion probiotic capsules. However, I did notice that he didn’t have as much progress when he tried the 5 billion probiotic capsules. To see why, I tried an experiment with the 5 and 90 billion capsules in many different environments (one of the environments was experiment 1-4: 98.6-degree body temperature and a pH level of 2.4). What I saw was that in just 1 hour and 4 minutes, the capsule for the 5 billion probiotics already broke down and the probiotics that escaped the capsule died almost immediately in the low pH. I wondered if an error was made regarding the capsule’s durability because if that was the case, then that also meant that not all of the probiotics were able to reach the small intestine. Would it be possible for me to see a copy of the experiment and the data that was collected? As a student, I do not have access to a lot of scientific equipment and I am interested in the methodology your company used to conduct their experiments. I have attached the data results from my own experiment and the chart with my own conclusions.


Thank you for your time.  I anxiously await your response.


Kyu Been Lee


My microscope blog:

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